Thursday, November 8, 2012

is the Internet bad for the CHILDREN?

Many parents believe the Internet is a bad a source for children. However, children can get many benefits things from it, so the Internet is a double edged sword. We realize that the Internet is going to be a bad machine if there isn’t a limit. Children have to know what are there limitations, before the cross these limitations, and if they cross them, there will be many important consequences. Moreover, Parents should monitor their children from the Internet. Its not all bad; the Internet does allot of good things for children. However in three aspects there are concerns: waste time, and bad ideas.

Time is essential for children because their time is so important for learning. They must get used to learning a lot, and make sure that they are leaning and have a enough time of studying, because that will help them in future. For example, my brother Abdul-Aziz and me were forced to study every subject that we take by my parents. They have been doing this for many years. Then, when we grew up, we didn’t need anybody to force, or tell us to do our responsibilities, because we didn’t waste any of our time, and we used to do our things every time. In the long run, my brother is studying at a mid-school, and my major is Chemical Engineering. You, and you can conclude from this instance that if you don’t waste your time, you will learn a lot, and be a successful person. Also, Parents need to make a connection to Internet with their children.

In addition, another bad aspect if children waste their time on the Internet prevents them to doing some activities that help them in their lives such as running, be in a boys/girls club, volunteering, etc. Some of these activities are good for their physical strength, mental strength, and their life in general. First, activities that help them in their physical strength, prevent their health to get bad, and help them to have a healthy life empty from diseases. Secondly, if they have a healthy body, they’ll have a healthy mind, and that’s going to help them to understand their subjects in the school easily. Finally, these activities assist them to build their confidence, make many friends to be their foundation in the future, and understand their lives in a better way, because they’ll have many great experiences.

While it is true that there are many good ideas on the internet, the Internet also brings several bad ideas for them. These ideas can ruin their lives, because they are children, their mind isn’t ready for these big huge ideas. Some of these ideas turned out that help the children become criminals; some of them build in their mind some ideas that based on wrong things that make them understand the issues in wrong way. To illustrate, the Internet has many, many bad ideas, and the parents are sought-after to prevent these ideas to reach their children, because if they did, there are many chances that their children will be in a dangerous spot in their lives.

In conclusion, as i said parents should pay attention for the three aspects above, and i don’t mean by them to ban the Internet from children. Nevertheless, parents should limit the internet from them. If they limit it in a perfect way, children will have a blaney time to do a lot of activities, and do something helpful. Therefore, that will bring for them their self-satisfaction.

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